I would not want to say something that the hon. Bloc Québécois House leader does not want to hear, but there is a problem here. The problem is not with the length, but rather with the number of proposals. There are 11 proposals as to what should be done. The length of the amendment is not the problem, but the number of proposals contained in the amendment. The argument is slightly different.
I realize that the hon. member asked how many proposals could be included in his amendment, should he wish to move it later today, during the debate on this motion. It depends on the topic.
For example, one of the proposals in the amendment states, “by establishing, as required, quotas on Chinese imports under the protocol on China's accession to the WTO”. That is completely different from the Technology Partnerships Canada program. That is where I can see a problem. This amendment contains so many things that were not mentioned originally that it becomes impossible to consider it in order.
If the hon. member wishes to consult the clerk before moving an amendment later this afternoon, he may do so. Perhaps he will find out how many of these paragraphs he can include in his amendment. I do not want to suggest anything at this time. It all depends on the individual paragraph. I am sure that, if he asks the clerks, the hon. member will receive an answer that will please him. I will probably accept their decision, whenever the question is put to a vote later today.