Mr. Chair, some of the very useful suggestions that the hon. member has put forward are exactly what this debate should be about. It should very much be about a constructive engagement on the part of parliamentarians to offer solutions.
We have heard a recitation of the atrocities taking place inside Sudan, particularly, in Darfur. We have heard about the slaughter, the gender based violence, in many cases, that has targeted young girls. We have heard with horror about farmers being afraid to go out and plant in their fields or individuals being targeted. The hon. member has cited numerous examples of what is happening on the ground.
Yet there appears to be one irreconcilable truth, and that is, without the cooperation, or at least the acknowledgement, of the Sudanese government of the need for the United Nations force to go in and assume this responsibility, the important humanitarian aid work, the protection and the responsibility to protect cannot be given force and cannot become a reality beyond the abstract notion.
Would the hon. member not agree that the most focused and laser-guided efforts that Canada can embark on are on the diplomatic side, to encourage and to keep the pressure upon the Sudanese government, as he has said?
Other hon. members may disagree, but to suggest somehow a unilateral intervention will occur or that a UN force can go in, which would immediately encounter resistance from the Sudanese army itself, the Janjaweed, the militia, will not be the type of constructive result that will alleviate the suffering.
I embrace his idea of having further efforts to bring about responsibility at the International Criminal Court. Canada is doing that. Canada supports that. Canada contributes to that particular cause, as we do on so many others on a myriad of issues that we have discussed here tonight. Is it not the hon. member's contention that the diplomatic pressure is that which will bring about the arrival of the United Nations forces that can get on with doing the important work of responsibility to protect?