Mr. Chair, in my opinion, it is evident that the African Union is unable to maintain order in Darfur, much less bring peace to the area.
The minister talks about the situation as though it were a fairy tale. Darfur is at war, people are dying in droves, and we can see no end to it.
The minister speaks of food aid and the funds provided by this government. It is our money being sent there. That is fine; no one is questioning Canada's aid. However, does the minister not feel that, in this situation, we should not just continue applying a band-aid solution?
Aid is not reaching those most in need and even NGOs are being forced to leave because their safety cannot be guaranteed and the people cannot be reached. Should we not consider other measures?
Consequently, does she not feel that we should focus on applying pressure to other countries so that there will be a mission led by the United Nations?