Mr. Speaker, on a number of recent occasions in the House, opposition members have accused me of stating certain things, which are false.
On Thursday, September 28, the member for Oakville stated during question period, at page 3389 of the Debates:
--the President of the Treasury Board...said that helping read was a waste of money.
On Friday, September 29, the member for Halifax West stated during question period, at page 3434:
--the Treasury Board president denied in the House that he ever said that helping adults learn to read was a waste of money.
Later that same day during question period, the member for Saint Boniface stated, at page 3434 of the Debates:
--the President of the Treasury Board described adult literacy as a waste of money.
The member for Wascana then proceeded, on Thursday, October 5, to say:
I have pointed out on occasion that there is both a written record and a verbal record on tape of those remarks. I was invited during question period to table that material.
He went on to say:
I am certainly prepared to table that recording of what he said, which perfectly verifies what has been alleged here in question period.
These quotes can be found on page 3720 of the Debates.
Mr. Speaker, I categorically deny ever using the words “waste of money” to describe literacy programs.
In addition, I have had the opportunity to listen to the recording tabled by the member for Wascana. The tape is very clear that I never used the words “waste of money” whatsoever in respect to literacy programs, or any other program.
I was very clear in the House yesterday when I said:
What the member opposite alleges that I said that appears in today's Globe and Mail and aHansardppeared in on Friday, in fact I never did say and Hansard will back that up.
I was clearly making reference to the quote from the member for Oakville, which appeared in yesterday's Globe and Mail and which used the words “waste of money”.
Mr. Speaker, I ask for an apology here in the House from the members for Oakville, Halifax West, Saint Boniface and Wascana for deliberately misleading my words in an attempt to personally smear me and my reputation.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table all the relevant documents.
I know the member for Wascana to be an hon. member. The member for Wascana should stand in his place, correct the record and apologize.