Mr. Speaker, this has been a fairly wide-reaching debate about the estimates of the Treasury Board, the Senate, and the complete estimates of the Department of Natural Resources, so it really has not focused much on the emotion of the member for Winnipeg Centre.
First let me say that the member for Winnipeg Centre made a very disparaging remark about Mr. Gary Nash. I know Mr. Nash personally. He is a very well respected leader within the mining industry in Canada. I know that the Speaker is going to be looking at the blues and I would hope that the member for Winnipeg Centre will retract those remarks.
However, what I find most disappointing is that when the Minister of Natural Resources came in to debate this motion, he tried to indicate that what we were debating was the full estimates of the Department of Natural Resources of $256 million and some. He knows that is not what we are debating here today.
I think the line that he took was somewhat disingenuous, because he did not want to debate the question around chrysotile asbestos. That is what the motion from the member for Winnipeg Centre calls for: a reduction in vote 10 in the amount of $250,000. That $250,000 is a far cry from $250 million. Some members seem to be mixing up the zeros, but that is what the member is really talking about.
The reason I said the line the minister took was disingenuous is that we know he did not want to debate the topic of chrysotile asbestos. It is a very sensitive issue.
I believe this is a very serious and important issue. The minister should have said that chrysotile asbestos is neither prohibited nor strictly regulated in Canada. It is used under controlled conditions.
He should have said that domestic regulations are applied to strictly control chrysotile exposure and to ensure safe handling of the product. This approach based on controlled use guarantees the safe use of chrysotile in Canada.
He should also have said that Canada provides importing countries with information about the safe use of chrysotile and supports the work of the Asbestos Institute, which promotes the use of asbestos around the world.
This is a serious question that has been posed by the member for Winnipeg Centre. He obviously has some personal experience working in an asbestos mine. It is a very serious and important question, but the minister did not want to deal with it. He wanted to deal with the full body of his estimates.
There I must say that the minister was again very disappointing. If he had read the order paper he would have seen that what we were debating was the chrysotile asbestos motion, not the full estimates of the department. If he had read it, he would have seen that the $256 million under Natural Resources “in the Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 be concurred in”. That amount is not in question. It is the motion of the $250,000 that is in question. The minister knows full well that this is what is at issue here.
I had an experience the other day with the minister. He came to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources to do his estimates. He talked about the future of carbon capture and sequestration. He talked about all the work that was going to be done with energy efficiency in the industrial sector.
I was sitting there with the plans and priorities book that was prepared by the department. I looked at those two particular line items, industrial energy efficiency and CO2 carbon capture and sequestration, and lo and behold, to my complete surprise and shock, those items were being cut from his plans and priorities. My only feeling, which I expressed to the minister at the time, was that perhaps he missed that meeting when the departmental officials put together the book and sought his approval. Presumably and hopefully they sought his approval, but the other point is that maybe he does not really know what his department is doing. This certainly was an indication of that.
In terms of the debate this evening, I am sure his departmental officials tried to brief him, but maybe he had other engagements. Maybe he had other commitments and he could not be briefed on what we are actually debating here in the House today.
The minister talks about being an energy superpower. We have heard this from the Prime Minister. Does it not have a nice ring to it? As a proud Canadian, I would like us to be an energy superpower. But, and this is the big but, it has to be sustainably driven and it has to be environmentally responsible. What do we hear from the minister on those points? We do not hear one iota. We do not hear a peep.
He talks about how we are going capture all the carbon and sequester all the carbon in the oil sands of Alberta. Is that not a nice thing to say? It sort of rolls off the tongue. It is actually what we should be doing, but we went to the budget and his plans and priorities and he has been cutting those programs.
He talked about how we are going to recycle all the water. Is that not a nice notion? That is what we should be doing, but what is he doing about it? Nothing. He is doing absolutely nothing. Our committee has been hearing witness upon witness and they all say no, we do not have the power and we are heading into a very difficult situation but no one is really providing any guidance.
Where is the federal government? Where is the Minister of Natural Resources in providing leadership on this file? Why could the Minister of Natural Resources of Canada not call the ministers in Alberta? Why could he not call the oil and gas industry together with the stakeholder groups, the aboriginal peoples, the energy industry and the town of Fort McMurray and sit down and say, “Look, we have a problem here in Fort McMurray with the oil sands. We should really put things on hold until we have these technologies in place where we can recycle the water so that we are not draining the Athabasca River basin”.
The minister talks about how we are recycling 90% of the water. That is not the case. Ninety per cent of the water might be going into tailings ponds, but the tailings ponds have to settle, and while the oil sands are being grown, with production supposed to quadruple by 2015, the new starters, the new entrants, will have to create their own tailings ponds. Besides that, there are some difficulties in the settling out of the tailings ponds so that this money can be recycled back into the river.
It just makes sense. If we were to pick up a newspaper or talk to anybody out there, they would tell us that the Athabasca River basin is being sadly and terribly depleted. We do not have to be rocket scientists in this Parliament. I do not think the Prime Minister would ask his minister to be a rocket scientist. He would just ask him to use a bit of common sense, show a bit of leadership, and bring the parties together. The bitumen will be there forever.
I was just up there with some colleagues from the House. If one travels around to see it, it is quite an astounding engineering and management feat and I take my hat off to those people. We should be proud of it, except that moving forward, we should have the maturity and common sense to say that we have to sit down and talk about further expansion because there are some severe issues at stake. I did not even mention the infrastructure and the social problems that are occurring in Fort McMurray, which I am sure the minister knows all about.
We should try to appeal to the oil and gas industry. What about the cost pressures that they are facing? Maybe it would make sense to sort of cool this down a bit while we get our act together. Maybe the federal government could help with the acceleration, the development, and the deployment of these CO2 carbon capture and sequestration technologies and the water recycling technologies. What about the use of our natural gas?
Here is the Minister of Natural Resources, from whom I have not heard a peep. Maybe he has written an article in the Energy Times or something, but I have not seen anything that talks about whether the way we are using natural gas in Fort McMurray is the best use of our natural gas resources in Canada. Everybody seems to know that it is a very inefficient use of our natural gas. We have very volatile natural gas markets. We know that people all across Canada are having to pay excessive prices for natural gas and there is a very volatile market.
There have been discussions up in Fort McMurray, perhaps none in the halls of the Department of Natural Resources or the minister's office, about maybe replacing natural gas with nuclear plants. Where is the minister on that? I have not heard a thing.