Mr. Speaker, I want to say at the outset that I appreciated the intervention, as I always do, of the member for Winnipeg Centre. I also appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the health effects of asbestos. I appreciate and admire the passion and commitment he brings to this issue and so many other issues.
I have a lot of constituents who work in this building and others in the capital where there is asbestos. I share his concern about the health effects, particularly as it relates to not just my colleagues but those who serve the public in this building and others. I appreciated learning more.
He does remind me of a fellow by the name Peter Kormos who is the New Democratic Party house leader in the Ontario legislature. I used to sit beside Kormos in the Ontario legislature, from which I resigned a year ago tomorrow. They would have to keep us apart because he was the NDP house leader and I was the Conservative house leader and we would get into trouble and get tossed out occasionally.
I want to talk about the motions on the notice paper. The member for Winnipeg Centre has two concerns. One motion deals with $256 million under natural resources but there is another motion that the member for Winnipeg Centre has put forward and I am afraid we might not have time to debate it.
I am very interested and open to even considering supporting him on the $38,206,000 cut to the Senate. I wonder whether he could go into that a little bit tonight.