Mr. Speaker, I echo the Prime Minister's remarks. I share his feeling and hope that there will be no confusion regarding our roles.
Mr. Speaker, I assure you that you have the opposition's full cooperation.
We wish you well in your role, Mr. Speaker, as the guardian of the dignity and of the privileges of this House.
We congratulate Madame Marleau and Monsieur Proulx for having stood to be Speaker. We recognize that in their interventions they have pointed out that our comportment in the House is to some extent translated into the respect which our fellow citizens regard us and the work which we do.
For that reason, Sir, I can assure you that you will have our entire confidence and our support in ensuring that we have orderly, dignified and responsible behaviour in the House.
I follow what the Prime Minister said in his remarks.
He noted that you had had experience both in opposition and in government.
Mr. Speaker, having spent some time on the other side of the House, we have always felt that you were a little too strict with the government and not strict enough with the opposition. We are counting on your maintaining this tradition in the House.
We wish you well in your present functions, Mr. Speaker.