Mr. Speaker, I was here all night long listening to the debate. I find it quite shocking that the hon. member would bring forward solutions such as not to dig wells because they would be targeted once our troops left. However, last night the hon. member voted against extending the mission.
There are so many contradictions. The member's party joins us when we fight for women's rights around the world. Yet our troops in Afghanistan have supported some 1,200 widows. There are 4.5 million children in school, but apparently that is too expensive.
Is it the member's intention, as his party whines and complains, to push for more support in Darfur? Ever since I came to the House, I have been in full support of doing what we can in Darfur. However, the minute we go to Darfur, should we be able to do that, and as soon as someone pulls out a little gun or a threatening rubber chicken, I suspect the member and his party will want to cut and run again.
What the world needs is a commitment that is solid, not chicken legs.