Mr. Speaker, the 100 days of “harpocracy” continue.
Number 51, refusing to lower the flag in honour of our fallen soldiers.
Number 52, insulting the families of our fallen soldiers by banning media coverage of the repatriation ceremonies.
Number 53, muzzling the Chief of Defence Staff, General Hillier.
Number 54, stopping the acquisition of urgently needed tactical airlift to replace our Hercs.
Number 55, breaking promises for icebreakers for the Arctic.
Number 56, compromising the legal protection of our soldiers by ordering them to operate in conflict outside the Geneva convention.
Number 57, cutting funding to Hamas but not allowing these funds to get to the Palestinian people.
Number 58, having foreign dignitaries greeted with latex gloves and body searches.
Number 59, playing politics with the lives of our soldiers by demanding a vote on an Afghan mission with less than two days' notice and six hours of debate.
Number 60, the Prime Minister asking for that debate and saying that it did not matter what the House decided, he was going to extend the mission anyway.