Mr. Speaker, there is no doubt that the B.C. lower mainland is growing. It is harder for people to get to work. The solution is more investment in rapid transit and better planning for greater Vancouver. Instead, we have seen the B.C. provincial government pushing the twinning of the Port Mann bridge.
The marketing meetings that were held around this project were not public consultations but just a superficial effort to sell a non-environmentally sustainable project. The reality is that twinning the Port Mann is not going to lead to better traffic circulation. What it will mean is more rat-running through the streets and neighbourhoods of Burnaby and New Westminster and more pollution.
The provincial government is basing its impact studies on adherence to the livable regions plan, but the twinning betrays the plan. The twinning of the Port Mann will increase traffic and pollution and in three to four years the lineup will be the same. Residents south of the Fraser desperately need more access to rapid transit that will get them to and from work.
Many unanswered questions have been raised by my colleagues in B.C. and in this House. This plan needs to be rethought and real public consultations held.