Motion No. 1
That Bill C-2, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing line 12 on page 6 with the following:
“(2) No minister of the Crown, minister of state or parliamentary secretary shall, in his or her capacity as a member of the Senate or the House of Commons, debate or vote on a question that would place him or her in a conflict of interest.”
Motion No. 2
That Bill C-2, in Clause 2, be amended
(a) by replacing, in the English version, line 10 on page 22 with the following:
“ministerial staff;”
(b) by replacing, in the English version, lines 16 and 17 on page 22 with the following:
“or decision-making power in the office of a minister of the Crown or a minister of state; and”
Motion No. 3
That Bill C-2, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing line 1 on page 33 with the following:
“(2) Subject to subsection 6(2) and sections 21 and 30, nothing in this Act abrogates or dero-”
Motion No. 4
That Bill C-2, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing lines 18 and 19 on page 33 with the following:
“67. (1) Within five years after the day on which this section comes into force, a comprehensive review”
Motion No. 6
That Bill C-2, in Clause 78, be amended by deleting lines 4 to 8 on page 80.
Motion No. 7
That Bill C-2 be amended by adding after line 42 on page 84 the following new clause:
“88.11 (1) Any member of a transition team referred to in section 88.1 may apply to the Commissioner of Lobbying for an exemption from that section.
(2) The Commissioner of Lobbying may, on any conditions that the Commissioner of Lobbying specifies, exempt the member from the application of section 88.1 having regard to any circumstance or factor that the Commissioner of Lobbying considers relevant, including the following:
(a) the circumstances under which the member left the functions referred to in subsection 88.1(5);
(b) the nature, and significance to the Government of Canada, of information that the member possessed by virtue of the functions referred to in subsection 88.1(5);
(c) the degree to which the member’s new employer might gain unfair commercial advantage by hiring the member;
(d) the authority and influence that the member possessed while having the functions referred to in subsection 88.1(5); and
(e) the disposition of other cases.
(3) The Commissioner of Lobbying shall without delay cause every exemption and the Commissioner of Lobbying’s reasons for it to be made available to the public.
(4) The Commissioner of Lobbying may verify the information contained in any application under subsection (1).”
Motion No. 9
That Bill C-2, in Clause 99, be amended by deleting line 9 on page 89 to line 5 on page 90.