Mr. Speaker, it is June. School is out and it is report card time. It is only fitting then to deliver a report card on the Liberal's first semester in opposition.
In math, the Liberals get an F for failing to understand that slashing the GST plus tax credits equals $20 billion more in the pockets of Canadians.
In geography, the Liberals get an F for forgetting where Afghanistan and our courageous troops are.
In history, the Liberals get an F for repeatedly forgetting their 13 year record of waste, mismanagement and corruption.
In science, the Liberals get an F for greenhouse gas emissions that are 35% above 1990 levels, not 6% below as the Liberals promised.
For attendance, the Liberals get an F. Apparently 11 Liberal leadership wannabes and their minions prefer playing hooky to representing their constituents here.
For attention, the Liberals get another F. It seems Liberal MPs just cannot resist their daytime naps in QP.
No wonder Canadians keep telling the Liberals to go stand in the corner.