Mr. Speaker, Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Which party has no ethics at all?
Mirror, mirror thought, then declared,
“The last Liberal government from which we've been spared”.
“But don't take my word”, Mirror, mirror did speak,
“I'm only agreeing with what a Liberal report said last week”.
Liberals admitted they set the ethics bar low,
Then rushed to see just how low Liberals could go.
Liberals let Dingwall have an illegal lobbying commission,
Then Liberals offered him handsome severance in addition;
Grants for a wharf to a Liberal's brother-in-law;
Frulla's home makeover without a Liberal pshaw.
Liberal appointees attending a Liberal convention;
Ethics lapses never Liberal bones of contention.
Millions granted by Liberals to family ships,
Only proves how far Liberal ethics have slipped.
Liberal fur coats bought on the taxpayer dime;
Ad scam Liberals should be charged and convicted of crimes.
Admitting they're ethically bankrupt is weak;
To their Liberal senators instead they must speak.
Stop dragging their unelected Liberal Senate feet.
Pass the accountability act now so there's no Liberal ethical repeat.