Mr. Speaker, there is no business case for tearing apart the Canadian Wheat Board. It is pure ideological madness, yet the agriculture minister seems hell-bent on scheming behind closed doors with unregistered lobbyists and appointing a sham of a task force to undermine the democratic choice of Canadian farmers.
Just like the softwood lumber sellout, what the Americans could not achieve in 11 separate trade challenges, they hope Tory stooges and their separatist sidekicks will deliver.
I call it economic treason to sell out Canadian farmers on behalf of modern day robber barons like the American agrifood industry. I serve notice today that we will not give up this great prairie institution without the fight of our lives. To paraphrase Robert W. Service:
We'll fight and you bet it's no sham fight,
It's hell but we've been there before;
Curse Tories and their separatist sidekicks,
We'll fight for the Wheat Board once more.