Mr. Speaker, this weekend FAFIA, the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, will be holding its national symposium in Gatineau, Quebec.
It will be honouring Professor Jody Williams, Nobel peace prize laureate, who has been recognized for her leadership in the international campaign to ban landmines. She will address Canada's current conduct on the international stage, as well as the recent global effort to establish a new UN women's agency.
The symposium will also include discussions on: preparing for Canada's upcoming performance review under CEDAW; an in-depth exploration of gender budgeting and how it can be effectively used in the Canadian context; and exploring how women's groups in Canada can financially sustain their work.
FAFIA's hard work to promote equality for women in Canada is critical. The changes made by the Conservative government to Status of Women Canada have made access to funding more difficult for many equality seeking organizations such as FAFIA.
We need changes made to the funding mandate so that more can access the funds they need to promote women's equality in Canada.