Mr. Chair, I was chair at that time we were looking at this renewal. The fact that it was a 50 year old reactor made the CNSC request very specific upgrades that were in line with modern standards. These are international modern standards for reactors.
The safety case that AECL developed and the CNSC looked at had seven specific areas of safety upgrades. They were the second trip system, the qualified emergency response centre, liquid confinement and vented confinement, main pump flood protection, new emergency core cooling and qualified emergency water supply. Those six were put in place. The one that was missing, and the CNSC had been assured by AECL was in place, was the emergency power supply. Of the seven upgrades, six were in place.
However, I would like to assure the House that these upgrades cannot be looked at one by one. It is the integrated operation of all these upgrades together that allows a safe run facility. It is an envelope of seven upgrades. Six were done. The seventh was not done, despite the assurances of AECL, and it is not done to this date.