Mr. Speaker, today I rise to join my voice to the chorus of people from across the country and around the world over the human rights violations in Guantanamo Bay. This prison has operated outside the scope of international conventions, outside the supervision of the courts, and in violation of international human rights law for over five years.
With the prospect of indefinite detention without a fair trial in such conditions, the potential psychological impact upon those held and their loved ones is a major concern.
Our society was founded on basic principles of freedom and due process. The actions of the American administration in establishing and maintaining Guantanamo Bay not only run counter to the foundations upon which western society stands, but represents a victory for those who would see us abandon our values and our way of life.
I join with the United Nations and former prime minister Joe Clark in calling for this facility to be closed immediately. I call upon the Conservative government to take a lead role in making this happen.