Mr. Speaker, rather than take the few remaining minutes that I have to talk about all the questions of fiscal transfers and equalization transfers, I would like to take the member to Halifax this evening, where we would sit with Michael Baker, the minister of finance, who has to write the Nova Scotia budget for tomorrow.
What he has been expecting through the years is that increases in equalization would be above and beyond the money that he is getting from the offshore accord. He learned on Monday that this was no longer the case. It was an either-or decision, in which he could take the old formula but not participate in the new equalization scheme, so there would be no more money, or he could take a few more dollars, which would be a help this year, and it would be welcome money in Nova Scotia, let me assure the member, but he would be putting at risk and jeopardizing the future prosperity of Nova Scotians.
This is a very tough decision for a gentleman who is also going through a very difficult personal time. I wish Minister Baker good health and good luck.