Mr. Speaker, I rise to offer advice to the minority Conservative government. We can do that by checking the Prime Minister's horoscope.
Today is the Prime Minister's birthday and café tells us, “restlessness, rebellion, and impatience figure prominently”. It is a clear reference to the Conservative Atlantic caucus.
It says his “energy tends to be erratic and temperamental” and he can “act on sudden impulses without considering consequences”. That is an allusion, no doubt, to the government's confusing storyline regarding Afghan detainees.
The horoscope says, “confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you move forward”. Are the stars speaking of the clean air act? Is there hope for a real environmental plan to emerge from the Conservative chaos on this file?
The future seems uncertain, except for one last prediction. It reads, “Arguments and confrontations are likely. Anger can erupt seemingly from nowhere”. Can question period be far off?
Finally, sincerely to the Prime Minister, happy birthday.