Mr. Speaker, today we will conclude our study of the NDP's early learning and child care act. I thank my colleagues for their support.
Strong child care legislation is the step the Liberals did not take and the Conservatives refuse to take.
A recent letter I received from a constituent in Toronto said:
The issue for our family isn't so much the money, but the availability of safe, flexible, stimulating daycare. What's money if there's nothing to buy?
There is nothing to buy. There are no spaces for everyday families to feel secure knowing their children are being cared for in high quality, affordable early learning and child care centres. Our country is failing its children.
A recent international Save the Children report indicates that Canada has fallen from fifth to 25th on its indicator. Poor early learning and child care services are to blame for our abysmal showing.
This Mother's Day, I urge the Prime Minister to turn the landmark bill into law so Canada will finally achieve a national child care program.