Mr. Speaker, the parliamentary secretary is trying to twist the argument.
This is what the current Prime Minister said in the House when he was in opposition:
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister will know that across the country Canadians are struggling with record gas prices. Canadian businesses are being hurt. Canadian consumers are burdened with the difficulties this is causing, but the government itself is rolling in record gas tax revenue.
Members of the Conservative Party accused the then Liberal government of the day of being the real beneficiaries of high gasoline prices. That is why they promised to freeze the price at 85¢. The Conservatives never delivered on their promise. If we are going to hear that message day in and day out from members of the Conservative Party, they should remember that they were the ones who said they would freeze it at 85¢.
There is a phone book full of promises that the Conservatives made as they questioned the Liberal government of the day. The Conservatives never acted on their promises. They are the ones rolling in cash right now. If the Conservatives are really interested in returning money to consumers, why do they not give it up and let them have it back today? The government could do that though an order in council. The Conservatives do not have to stand up and say the same things that the Liberals said in the past. If they wanted to, they could actually deliver on the promises they made to Canadians.