The clarification is very much appreciated.
Since the motion has carried, I would like, on behalf of all hon. members, to bid farewell to the pages of the House of Commons for 2006-07. The summer recess is almost upon us and we may not have another chance to thank all of you properly but I think you would all agree that being part of the 39th Parliament has been an exciting experience for us all.
On behalf of all my hon. colleagues of this House, I would like to thank you and congratulate you on all your hard work over the past year. Your task was not always easy, but you all performed very professionally and we thank you for that.
Today I ask you to receive our collective thanks and best wishes for your future endeavours. Perhaps some day soon I will have the pleasure of seeing you sitting at these desks and perhaps it was your experience with us that gave you the desire to serve as a member of Parliament.
Thank you for your excellent work. Good luck to you all in the future.