Mr. Speaker, while we are all concerned with the future of the manufacturing and forestry sectors, it is important to pause and take note of the larger economic picture in Canada and indeed in Quebec.
We have solid economic fundamentals demonstrated through our robust labour market. The unemployment rate is at a 33 year low. In Quebec alone we have witnessed tremendous job growth at 2.4% in 2007, well above the national average, and it was the province's best showing in five years.
Even the CIBC world markets report released today states that manufacturing sector job losses are being offset with higher quality, well paid work in an assortment of sectors ranging from public administration to computer services, oil and gas extraction, and many more.
What is more, some observers suggest the long term trends are for even tighter labour markets, indeed potentially labour shortages in Canada, especially in Quebec. According to a December 2007 Conference Board of Canada report, Quebec faces a worker shortfall of nearly 400,000 by--