No, it was not done.
On October 4, 2005 there was another piece of correspondence from the current Prime Minister, signed by his assistant yet off the desk of the current Prime Minister, to immediately implement that. The parliamentary secretary signed a piece of correspondence on October 28, 2005.
After the 2006 election, the Conservatives took office. Being the benevolent guys we are on this side, we gave them six months to get their legs under them. I asked the minister a question in the House on June 9, 2006. His reply was, “very soon”. The Conservatives stepped away from “immediately” and went to “very soon”.
On February 12, 2007 in committee when pushed on the question, the minister said, “We are committed”. He was even stepping back from “very soon” which was back from “immediately” to “we are committed”.
A year and a half later on June 12, 2007, I posed a question to the minister, to which the reply was, “We will get the job done”. A couple of days later, the leader of the official opposition asked a question of the Prime Minister, who said, “We intend to act”. This was over a year and a half later.
On October 26, 2007 I asked the minister again. I continued to push this on behalf of the people expecting this action from the government. His response, “We are going to get it fixed”.
It is over two years. We are way past “immediately”. A written promise was made by the Prime Minister when he was in opposition. There is an expectation out there. There is absolutely no need for the unfairness, the hypocrisy of stepping away from this promise to the veterans. It is long past time for action. It was “immediately”, which became “very soon”. All those quantifiers--