Mr. Speaker, there is no question that I do indeed know my riding and I know Canada Post is closing down post offices for postal boxes. I know that for sure.
The parliamentary secretary used a number: 1,400 employee complaints. I have applied under access to information for those complaints. I already know this: about 800 of those complaints are not for safety at the mailboxes but for ergonomic damage when the employee's arm gets tired from reaching out the passenger side window. This is obviously the way that the parliamentary secretary is like many of the others in getting his talking points from the PMO and using figures to try to bamboozle the public.
The bottom line is this: we are losing individual rural mailbox delivery. We want it back. There was a motion passed in this Parliament to say that we should have it. It passed a while ago. It is the minister's responsibility to live up to that motion, which means individual rural mail delivery. We want the minister to see that it is done.