Mr. Speaker, budget 2008 is a great news budget for British Columbia.
For B.C., we have increased spending on health care over last year.
We have increased spending on education.
We are boosting our support for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
We are investing to promote B.C.'s forestry industry in new international markets.
We are fighting crime by hiring more police officers.
We are investing in rapid transit by supporting the Evergreen SkyTrain extension to the tri-cities. The Canadian Urban Transit Association says, “This is a good news budget for transit”. The chair of TransLink, Dale Parker, goes further, saying our support for the Evergreen line is “fantastic news” for metro Vancouver's transit system.
In opposing the budget, the NDP is voting against the Evergreen line and against these important gains for British Columbia.
For over two years, through three budgets, the Conservative government has delivered for British Columbia. We have delivered British Columbians the results they deserve. They are getting great government and great results from this Conservative government.