Mr. Speaker, I want to pay tribute to the Public Service Commission of Canada, which is celebrating its centenary this year.
In 1908, Parliament amended the Civil Service Act and created the first permanent civil service commission.
The amended act laid the groundwork for a professional, non-partisan public service that has made a huge contribution to our democratic system. Over the years, the non-partisan recommendations of seasoned public servants have helped shape government policies and programs.
Currently, Canada's public service is considered one of the best in the world. Our public servants regularly answer questions from other countries that want to learn more about our system. The PSC has provided South Africa and Ukraine as well as countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with help on issues related to public service governance and staffing.
I want to thank the PSC for the important contribution it has made to the public service, and I hope it will enjoy as much success in the next hundred years.
I would like to mention that from April 29 to May 2, Library and Archives Canada will host a special exhibition highlighting many—