Mr. Speaker, in reponse to a) Two of the recommendations have already been implemented: 1) Canada's support for the extractive industries transparency initiative, including a contribution of $1,150,000 to the EITI trust fund over multiple years; and 2) enhanced public reporting by the Canada investment fund for Africa. The government continues to review the recommendations developed by the national round tables.
In response to b) The government is carefully reviewing the recommendations developed by the national round tables advisory group and will make public its proposed course of action once finalized.
In response to c) As the lead on the corporate social responsibility file for the Government of Canada, the Minister of International Trade has instructed officials to analyze the advisory group's recommendations and to develop efficient policy responses.
In response to d) Advocating honesty and integrity in Canadian business dealings abroad has long been the practice of our diplomatic missions overseas. The Government of Canada encourages and expects Canadian companies investing abroad to respect all applicable laws and international standards, and to conduct their activities in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This has been, and will continue to be, an essential aspect of the Government of Canada's support for Canadian investment and trade interests in any region. The government is also enhancing the corporate social responsibility knowledge and capacity of its officers at home and abroad to best counsel and advise extractive sector companies operating overseas.
In response to e) In the last year, the Minister of International Trade has met with mining and oil and gas industry representatives, as well as representatives of the NGO community, in a variety of fora to discuss a number of issues, including corporate social responsibility.
In response to f) Building on the valuable experience of the national round tables process, the government continues to consult with key stakeholders as we move forward in addressing these complex issues.