Mr. Chair, 80% full time.
With respect to the previous question regarding cumulative growth in Canadian living standards, I recommend the hon. member look at the budget plan 2008 on page 36. He will see the graph that shows Canadian living standards have increased by more than 20% since the end of 2001. Household net worth has gone up dramatically in Canada as well from 1990 to 2007.
I know you do not like these statistics because they do not support your case, but you might want to review the business documents that are with the budget plan. Perhaps you will find them edifying, although as I say, they do not support the allegations you are making.
The other thing we have done for households in Canada which is quite dramatic is we have reduced the tax burden. We have reduced not only the personal income tax burden, but also the consumption tax, the GST, by 2%. And very important for pensioners, not just seniors, we are allowing income splitting which has meant a dramatic tax reduction. All of this contributes to household purchasing power and household wealth.