Mr. Speaker, in response to a) Over the next year, the government will work on the development of an action plan.
In response to b) Status of Women Canada will lead the development of the action plan, with other federal government departments and agencies.
In response to c) and d) The development of the action plan will be done within existing resources.
In response to e), f) and g) Work is underway on the action plan, and it is yet too early to be specific on this level of detail.
In response to h) The Beijing declaration and platform for action will inform the work and content of the action plan.
In response to i) Status of Women Canada recognizes the crucial role that accountability plays in insuring equality for women. As such, accountability will be a key consideration as the action plan is developed.
In response to j) The main objective of the plan is to advance the equality of women across Canada through the improvement of their economic and social conditions and their participation in democratic life.