Mr. Speaker, we have made some quite significant gains in terms of the opportunities for agriculture in this agreement. Certainly, on durum wheat we are going to see some real opportunities from this agreement. Moving into crude canola, it will see some significant gains as a result of this agreement as well.
On the agri-food side, frozen french fries, beer and frozen blueberries will gain market advantage. There will be a wide range of tariff reductions on processed and frozen foods in all three markets and in other sectors as well. In the non-agricultural area there will be significant gains for a number of manufacturing producers in Canada.
This should give Canadian producers a real opportunity and more than that it gives them an opportunity to go into these markets and establish a supply chain between EFTA and Canada but also extend that supply chain into the European Union because the European Union does have a free trade agreement with the EFTA countries. It is a real opportunity for Canadian companies who are really serious about competing in the global marketplace to take a great leap forward.