Mr. Speaker, the member makes a legitimate point, but I would suggest again that this is why this should be considered in depth by a parliamentary committee. As an example, if there are to be changes to the code, perhaps votes for example could be excluded, perhaps not. Perhaps the only exclusion would be the ability for the member to speak.
However, it is quite common for all members to recuse themselves if they have an interest in the issue at hand. If for example, even without a lawsuit, a member of Parliament had an interest, let us just say in a land deal, and for some reason the principals of the land management company were at committee discussing issues concerning that land deal, should the member of Parliament be allowed to participate in that and vote on that? I would argue not.
Many times we take it upon ourselves to recuse ourselves if we have a private interest in an issue. We should continue that. This motion would absolutely overturn that ability and that right.