Mr. Speaker, I heard the parliamentary secretary address a couple of the issues. The one issue he has not addressed to notify NATO that by July of 2011, Canada will begin to leave the Kandahar region, that there will be a redeployment and that what will happen is the Afghans will in fact, by the end of 2011, take control in terms of their own security. It is very important that the House and the Canadian public know now that this notification to NATO will take place and that it will be formally submitted.
We have the NATO meetings coming up in Brussels next Thursday and Friday. It will be an opportunity for the Minister of Defence to do so at that time. That again is consistent with the resolution.
There is no question the Afghans are getting better in terms of the kind of training that is going on, but they have a long way to go, given 30 years of being ravaged by war, in terms of the types of techniques, et cetera, that are needed.
However, again, the fundamental question now is to deal with the notification.