Mr. Speaker, despite the repression and constant violations experienced by the people of Tibet, the Dalai Lama has never strayed from his approach that favours tolerance, peace and non-violence, an approach that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
Today, the People's Republic of China celebrates its 60th anniversary, and the Tibetan culture is in danger. It is time for the Chinese government to respond to the Dalai Lama's repeated calls for independence for the people of Tibet, which would be in accordance with the provisions of the Chinese constitution.
In February 2007, the House passed a unanimous motion calling on the Government of Canada to encourage the two parties to continue talks.
The Bloc Québécois, which empathizes strongly with the struggle of the Tibetan people, would like to take the occasion of the Dalai Lama's visit to Montreal tomorrow to welcome him and to tell him that we support his call for dialogue.