Madam Speaker, during the first three weeks of immunization, from October 26 to November 16, 2009, approximately 93% of first nation on reserve communities held immunization clinics. It is also a very positive achievement that 100% of remote and isolated first nation communities have held vaccine clinics.
As of mid-November, over 162,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine have been administered on reserve and approximately 40% of the on reserve first nations population has been vaccinated.
We are also seeing excellent collaboration with all of our partners, including the provinces, territories, first nations leadership and other government entities, such as the Public Health Agency and Indian and Northern Affairs.
A concrete example of this is the virtual summit that took place on November 10. This summit, hosted by PHAC, AFN and Health Canada, provided information on H1N1 to first nations in an innovative way via the Internet. This event was a success and an excellent example of the good work being done under the AFN-INAC-Health Canada communications protocol--