Mr. Speaker, I will ignore the tone of that. I find it insulting but of course it was intended to be insulting.
It is interesting that the Conservatives have the audacity to talk about basic health care when it is very clear that women cannot access basic health care.
Mr. Karzai just signed another agreement, a law put in place, where women can go nowhere unless they are accompanied by their husbands. They cannot go to the doctor unless the husband says that it is okay.
In terms of female parliamentarians, there very well may be more in Afghanistan than in Canada, much to our shame, but the reality is that those women cannot speak out. Malalai Joya talked about rape. She talked about the fact that MPs who had the courage to speak out had their children murdered. She talked about the fact that when the son of one of the parliamentarians raped a five-year-old child, he was protected by the Karzai government. For that, she had four attempts on her life. She cannot live in her own country. She cannot stay inside the territory of Afghanistan because she had the courage to speak out.
That is what happens to women in Afghanistan. In this Parliament when women speak out they are challenged and called what? Insipid, silly, imagination at will?