Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the member for his speech, but I also want to comment on the previous speaker, the member for Saint John, who suggested to the member that the Toronto Maple Leafs are an example of how things have changed from 1967 and compared that to NAFO. Mr. Speaker, imagine walking into an argument like that. The Toronto Maple Leafs are somewhat like the NAFO situation in that they have not changed in 20 years. They did not win then, they are not winning now, and NAFO has not been a success.
Why should it be a success now? We have a new team. We have a new coach. We have new players. Who are they? Are there new rules for the game?
I do not think so. What we have now is a backward step. In fact, the situation has changed, and we have a set of rules that are not going to work now any more than the rules worked for the Toronto Maple Leafs for the last 40 years.