Mr. Speaker, 60 years ago today, just before midnight, Canada gained its tenth province and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador became Canadian citizens. Today is the anniversary of our confederation with Canada.
The past six decades have brought great change. There have been ups and downs. However, on balance we are richer for being part of Canada, and Canada is richer for our presence.
In my riding of Labrador, the decision was clear. Voting in 1948, for only the third time in our history, my ancestors achieved a long-held dream. With 80% support, we chose Canada and we still do.
March 31, 1949, gave new meaning to our country's motto: A mari usque ad mare, “From Sea to Sea”.
When the day breaks over Canada, it breaks a little earlier than it did on July 1, 1867, and we are all better because of it.
On this date we became part of this great country, this united country, the best country in the world. On this date, Canada became complete.
Vive le Canada.