Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my hon. friend from Newfoundland who also has a great understanding of the fishing industry.
My colleagues from every corner, Liberals, Conservatives, NDPs and Bloc, listen to the people on the ground. The thing is we have to find out from the people on the ground exactly what is going on. In my opinion, everybody who was on that committee certainly has a great concern for the lobster fishery, but there might be some little difference in how we wish to deal with it.
When my colleagues talk in caucus, sometimes they cannot be in with the crowd; sometimes in caucus they have to be not in with the crowd. I would urge my hon. colleagues to be sure that they explain to caucus, and where possible influence cabinet, that if something is not done, these fishermen will go broke.
One might think that will take them out, but it will not. The only way that the pressure on the lobster stocks in Atlantic Canada can be relieved is to have a buyout. Some talk about what they can pay. If they are going in the hole, they cannot pay very much.