Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the way the member framed the question. Of course I would agree with the Prime Minister. We are very proud of what Canada has accomplished, but it is wrong to construe that as the period of Liberal rule in the country. Of course we are very proud of Canada, the best country in the world. We are very proud to be Canadians.
I know we are the envy of the world. That is why so many people want to live in our country. We are blessed with freedom and prosperity, and even though the entire world has spun into a time of economic uncertainty, transition and economic restructuring, Canada has been better positioned. That is why we were later coming into recession than any of the other developed nations. That is why we are very hopeful as signs are encouraging even now that we may be starting to pull out of it. Canada has been resilient. Canada is a tremendous country, and we are very proud to live here and to represent the people of Canada. We are proud to be Canadians.