Madam Chair, there are a number of situations that underscore it, including the gun registry. One could lump all three of the parties in with that failed system, too.
The problem one sees with programs that are out of date and are 60 or 70 years old on marketing barley, is that one cannot address today's challenges with yesterday's programs. One just cannot do that, and farmers are the first to say so. The problem we have is that the Wheat Board then maybe filled a role that government saw, but it never filled a role that farmers saw.
The Wheat Board has become a monopoly buyer, not a monopoly seller. Over half of the product it now buys on paper is exported or used domestically by the line companies, even by the independent terminals. It is a monopoly buyer, not a monopoly seller. When the member pointed out the numbers, the hon. member for Malpeque took exception to them, but those are quantifiable numbers. They are there.
Farmers are on the Internet. Years ago when the government first talked about high-speed Internet access, farmers were the first ones to leap on that, whether through satellite, dial-up, whatever, so they could check what their American cousins were doing. We have a number of farmers who farm on both sides of the border, so we know those comparisons are accurate.
In western Canada we are missing the ability to value add in an efficient way. Right now we have an arcane system where one has to phone the board and say, “I have 5,000 bushels of barley I want to take to Biggar”, which is 40 miles from where I live. I trucked it myself. I paid freight and elevation to tide water. I had to do a buy-back from the board and I had not even loaded it onto my truck yet. That is the ridiculous situation we find. If we had a little thing called property rights in this country, it would take care of a lot of that, too.
We are not allowed to value add. There is a 500,000 tonne shortfall of malt barley globally. We grow the best malt barley anywhere in the world in western Canada, and we are not allowed to make it into malt because we cannot get by that little hurdle called the Canadian Wheat Board.
We have tried. We did a plebiscite; we did a referendum, if one wants to call it that, which is required by the act. Sixty-two per cent of farmers responded by saying that the status quo is not good enough, that we have to move beyond.
The Wheat Board asks very similar questions all the time. The same responses came back with very similar numbers. It said it would address this by coming up with a new program called cash plus. It tried to develop a program where it would give farmers most of their money upfront. It did that, and farmers would not buy into it because it is too restrictive, too narrow in focus like the old farm programs were.
The Wheat Board, to save itself and win the public relations war, tried to develop new programs. The member alluded to the losses in the contingency fund, which is what backstops those new programs. It was $40 million a couple of years ago. The board had an introspective look done on it called the Gibson report, and the board felt it had everything fixed. What happened last year? It lost two-and-a-half times as much after it said it had everything fixed.
The Wheat Board just cannot understand this free market idea. Its analysis is somehow flawed. That leads to the reality in western Canada that the Wheat Board is becoming less than viable. We talk about its not being cost effective and not being cost efficient, and it is losing market share. Any one of us who lives there can say this, and the numbers will bear this out, that it does not have the acres signed over to wheat, durum and barley that it used to have, simply because farmers are making the move into other crops, such as pulse crops and canola, which have become world class, developed right out of the western provinces, for that matter.
Farmers are not scared about marketing those products themselves. They have done well. As I said, they built world-class products to do that.
At committee today I heard the Wheat Board itself allude to the fact that there are some real problems with its voters list. We saw that in the last election. There are a tremendous number of voters who produce absolutely nothing and still have access to a ballot. There are another 42%, some 84,000 voters who are on that list, who produce less than what would come off of one field, less than a B train of product. Twenty per cent of the farmers control 80% of the votes, and that is an untenable situation. We will seek to rectify that.