Mr. Chair, there are certainly a number of factors that are negatively affecting livestock at this time.
I happened to have a chance to read the CanFax report today, the new Western Producer issue is out. It reports that there has been no negative impact on livestock pricing since XL announced its closure.
We are hoping that it is temporary. We are hoping that those situations are going to be worked out. I know they are pointing to a number of situations where they are putting their emphasis into the Tyson plant. I welcome that. I think it is great that it is now Canadian owned as opposed to American owned.
The Nilsson brothers, Brian, whom I know, also own a plant in Nebraska. They are constantly giving us instructions, direction and advice as to what they face with USDA with respect to the Nebraska plant and what they expect to see in the Tyson plant. They are willing to work with us as we move forward on SRM recapture and so forth.
At this point I can assure the member opposite that according to today's release from CanFax, there has been no downturn in the pricing due to the XL closure.