Mr. Speaker, with respect to the development of an action plan to advance the equality of women across Canada, announced in budget 2008:
In regard to a) In support of the federal action plan for women, since 2008, Status of Women Canada has been developing strategic partnerships to advance women’s economic security and prosperity, to end violence against women and to increase the participation of women and girls in leadership roles across society. In 2009-2010, Status of Women Canada will be strengthening collaboration and building on partnerships with other federal departments and agencies, as well as with provincial and territorial counterparts, and with civil society partners, to continue this strategic direction.
In regard to b) Status of Women Canada is the lead departmental agency and is collaborating with other federal departments and agencies across the federal government to advance women’s participation under the following three pillars: women’s economic security and prosperity, violence against women and participation of women and girls in leadership roles across society.
In regard to c) The federal action plan for women is being developed within existing resources.
In regard to d) The work in support of the federal action plan for women that has already been undertaken and that is continuing to be developed is integrated into the work of the majority of full time employees of Status of Women Canada.
In regard to e) Status of Women Canada and the Government of Canada routinely receive ideas and suggestions from Canadian women regarding their needs and requirements. Preceding the announcement of the federal action plan for women, various roundtables and meetings will be held to identify areas of priority.
In regard to f) Discussions with various stakeholders will occur as the action plan is elaborated in 2009-2010.
In regard to g) Over the next months, additional organizations and individuals will be engaged on the federal action plan for women.
In regard to h) The 1995 Beijing platform for action, other international agreements such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women have and will continue to inform the federal action plan for women.
In regard to i) Like all government initiatives, the federal action for women will be subject to the usual accountability mechanisms and the officials responsible for its implementation will be accountable to Canadians for delivering real benefits to Canadian women and their families.
In regard to j) The federal action plan for women will be focused on key strategic directions that include: advancing women’s economic security and prosperity; ending violence against women; and increasing the participation of women and girls in leadership roles across society.