Mr. Speaker, over the last few months we have learned a lot about the leader of the Liberal Party. Here are some of his ideas to help the economy and Canadians during these tough times.
On April 14, the Liberal leader announced that he “will have to raise taxes”. At its recent convention, the Liberal Party reaffirmed its commitment to imposing a job-killing carbon tax. The Liberal leader said he would raise the GST and the Liberal Party said it would eliminate the universal child care benefit. Based on his statements, we now believe him when he calls himself a “tax-and-spend Liberal”.
Another worrying revelation the Liberal leader has made is that he believes Ukrainians are just little Russians, and that, “Ukrainian independence conjures up images of embroidered peasant shirts, the nasal whine of ethnic instruments, phoney cossacks in cloaks and boots, nasty anti-Semites”.
It is okay to be a proud Russian, but the Liberal leader does not need to belittle Canadians of Ukrainian descent to be proud of his heritage.