It is official, Mr. Speaker, pigs have flown. Not only that, hell has frozen over. The opposition parties who said they would never in a million years vote confidence in a right wing Conservative government, have just united in an unholy alliance.
The marriage has been consummated. All that is left to do now is to figure out what to call this political ménage à trois. A suggestion would be the hypocrisy alliance. How about socons? That is short for socialist and conservative. The conservative lapdog triplets, how about that one? The train wreck trio. How about an acronym, BURN Canada, as in bloc united with reform conservatives and new democrats. Let us try Jack and Gilles crawl down from their hill. The possibilities are endless.
Whatever we call it, Canadians know full well they will never call it “coherent”, and they sure as heck will not call it “principled”.