Mr. Speaker, Export Development Canada, EDC, reports individual transaction information on all financing, including guarantees, political risk insurance to lenders, and equity transactions with consent of its customers on EDC’s website at Since 2007 to present, EDC has provided three loans for a total of 16 aircraft to Porter Aviation Holdings Inc. for the sale of aircraft in association with Bombardier Inc.--Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. For reasons of commercial confidentiality, EDC only reports out its support in dollar ranges and not actual loan amounts:
All transactions facilitated by EDC are reviewed to ensure consistency with the corporation’s mandate which is to support and develop, directly or indirectly, Canada’s export trade and Canada’s capacity to engage in that trade, and to respond to international business opportunities. These subject transactions were deemed to support capacity to engage in international business and also in developing export trade.
In response to part (c), the answer is no.