Mr. Speaker, 25 years ago, Marihel Mermier, Monique Beaudoin and Alan Conway launched the Association des personnes handicapées visuelles de l'Outaouais to promote and defend the rights of people with visual impairments, and to raise awareness among the public and decision makers about the difficulties visually impaired people face every day.
Today we have services that help visually impaired people attain greater independence and safer mobility thanks to the amazing work over the past 25 years of the founders, directors, members and generous volunteers of this association.
On this 25th anniversary of the founding of the Association des personnes handicapées visuelles de l'Outaouais, I would like to congratulate and thank the founders, directors, members past and present and the generous volunteers for their impressive dedication to the well-being of visually impaired people in the Outaouais.