Mr. Chair, I would like to thank my colleague for his profound statements. I recognize him as a true patriot, one who has lived in all parts of Canada and understands what these agreements can mean for the future of our country.
I will be speaking later so I just want to zero in with a couple of questions. One concerns a quotation in an article in the Epoch Times by the National Farmers Union. It says that it obtained a draft of the agreement that says that CETA would subject farmers to draconian property rights enforcement measures, including the virtual elimination of the age-old practice of saving, reusing and selling seeds from their crops. The article goes on to say:
Under provisions in CETA [Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement], using saved seed could result in a farmer’s land, equipment, and crops being seized for alleged infringement of intellectual property rights attached to plant varieties owned by corporations such as Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and Bayer.
I would like him to comment on that.
Also, I am sure he is familiar with a document put out by the Council of Canadians entitled “Private water and CETA”. Maybe he could also comment on the fact that, according to this document, CETA will force municipalities and water utilities to consider privatization.