Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about new dimensions in corrections.
Many of our opposition colleagues have characterized our government as one dimensional, concerned only with building jails. However, there is much more going on behind the scenes. Correctional Service Canada has a program called “Restorative Justice”, bringing together offender and victims in a healing process.
It is hard to over estimate the capabilities of a genuine apology to those who have been wronged. For offenders wishing to take responsibility for their actions, this can be a major step forward in their rehabilitation. For victims, it can close the door on debilitating anger and hatred that preclude a healthy future.
This year my family participated in this program. After 18 years, we received answers to persistent painful questions. Was it worth it? “You bet”.
I commend all those involved in this program. I extend my thanks to Angie Gates and Sandi Bergen.