Mr. Speaker, with respect to prorogation, I find it ironic that the government is still trying to defend that ill-advised move when it shut down Parliament to avoid accountability on the Afghan inquiry. Clearly the Conservatives are still running away from and avoiding being accountable on this important issue. More important, there are advisers like Tom Flanagan, the former advisor to the Prime Minister, who have clearly indicated that the Conservative government was shying away from accountability.
However, I want to talk about the government's record of mismanagement because it is an example of the question the member asked.
We sent out a press release not too long ago entitled, “Conservatives admit job creation funds held back when Canadians needed it most”. It basically outlined $874 million of unspent money in the $2 billion infrastructure stimulus fund; $186 million unspent in the $200 million green infrastructure fund; and $240 million unspent in the $495 million fund for provincial and territorial-based funding. These are examples of mismanagement and incompetence.
The government asks why we are not supporting this budget. Aside from the whole range of examples I gave of the budget not dealing with the job crisis and helping the middle class, this is a clear example of mismanagement. The government is trying to shy away from the real issues, and that is why it is important for Canadians to see these numbers.